Friday 27 January 2012


Today we have been adding using real money. The children learned that 2p is the same as two 1p coins and were able to count how many coins they had altogether. If we could see a 2p we remebered to count it twice.
We were very impressed with how quickly they learned this! I've set the children a challenge to count how much money (2ps and 1ps) parents have in their purses to practice this skill. Please leave comments if your child is able to do this!

Below I have pasted the coins we used when recording our answers on paper if you woulld like to use them for any work at home!


  1. We counted all the 2p and 1p in my purse and got to 26p. He remembered that there are 2 x 1p in a 2p piece.

  2. That's great! Good job Joseph! Miss smith
